We have divided our platform and network into different sections to give you a quick overview. Thus, we offer information for merchants, producers, POS system providers and network providers (these are e.g. existing loyalty and customer programs/cards). Overview MerchantsFrom Pen to Necklace Here you can learn more about the advantages wunderbon offers you as a merchant. Merchants ProducersFrom FMCG to Automotive Here you can learn more about the advantages wunderbon offers you as a producer. Producers POS System ProvidersThe POS of the future Here you can learn more about the advantages wunderbon offers you as a POS provider. POS System Providers Network ProvidersPart of something Big Learn more about the benefits wunderbon offers to network providers. Network Providers Plans and PricesStart now for free! Here you can learn more about our plans (subscriptions) and the prices. Plans & Prices TechnologyOn the Shoulders of Giants Learn more about the technology behind wunderbon here. Technology Diesen Inhalt teilentwittern teilen mitteilen teilen teilen