With wunderbon, we have created a platform that is characterized above all by its connections with other networks. Our top mission is to “build bridges” and bring together other platforms and alliances. For you as a user, it should be possible in the near future to receive your digital receipt and other digital added value from any store, anywhere – without any intervention – whether here in Germany or in Bora-Bora. We are working intensively on partnerships to create the largest stationary retailer and bonus network association. For you, this means the greatest possible comfort and a great user experience. We offer you the possibility to register your different cards and loyalty cards or bonus cards in the wunderbon app, so that your merchants can send you a digital receipt in the wunderbon app. For example, if you shop at a retailer who provides you with their own customer card (bonus card, loyalty card, etc.) or one from a network, they can easily find you on wunderbon using this and reach you that way – the only prerequisite is that you have securely added the corresponding customer card to the wunderbon app beforehand. To find out how this works, what you need to do and how we guarantee the security of your data, read on. Supported networks We are constantly implementing new networks and currently we support the following networks: wunderbon (native)Bank-, Giro-, Maestro®-, Credit-Card (PAN ISO/IEC 7812) This list is updated at irregular intervals (current status 04.03.2022). See the developer documentation for more details about the supported networks. Add your card in the app Within the wunderbon app under “My Identifiers” you can add or remove your cards at any time. The recording is done optically, with the help of your smartphone camera. After capture, the captured card is validated on your smartphone. This is to protect integrity, prevent fraud (capturing stolen credit card data from the Internet or similar), ensure that cards are as easy to add as possible, and avoid incorrect entries. After the pure capture, a checksum of your card data is calculated on your smartphone and only this calculated checksum is transmitted to us. This checksum can be safely assigned to your wunderbon account and at the same time it is not possible to recover your card data from it. Your readable card data never leaves your device at any time! Again, we’ve put special emphasis on your security and privacy and found a safe and efficient way for everyone. Purchasing usage When you shop at one of our partners, you have the option to receive your digital receipt without using the wunderbon app. For this, however, the partner must support one of the partner networks mentioned further above. The following chart will visually bring the use in purchasing a little closer: Tokenization when using a card from a connected network Security of your card data Your data is safe with us, just like in a bank. We store only part of the data on the card, so no payment can be made with the part we use. Furthermore, we convert the data so securely that it is virtually impossible to reverse this conversion. Privacy and data protection When using your loyalty cards and bonus program cards, as well as your bank cards, you automatically waive the benefits of the wunderbon Privacy Relay. Whenever you use one of the aforementioned cards, for example, to participate in a merchant’s bonus program, or whenever you make a non-cash payment by card at a merchant, you always leave a “digital fingerprint,” even today. We cannot influence this or the Privacy Relay cannot play out its advantage here, since it is not the wunderbon QR code (WAN) that is used, but a feature of another network that is beyond our technical control. Even though merchants today only receive your card data (unless you also participate in personal rewards programs – in which case this data can often be analyzed together and purchases attributed to you), it is always the same. These are so-called static characteristics or attributes, e.g. of your credit card. There it always comes to the use of the so-called PAN (Primary Account Number), the validity date, as well as the security code (CVV and the like). Due to the data that only changes when the card is exchanged (e.g. validity date), a merchant already has the possibility to allocate purchases pseudonymously. We cannot technically change these previously mentioned facts. However, this does not mean that this then initiated connection is not just as secure and end-to-end encrypted as usual. It simply means that you are not completely anonymous in this process, but appear pseudonymized. If you are interested in the difference between anonymized and pseudonymized, you can find more information here. Diesen Inhalt teilentwittern teilen mitteilen teilen teilen